The film festivals and other events listed here generally begin in April of each year. However, there may be slight variations in time from year to year. Although we will keep these listings as up to date as possible, you should check exact dates with event organizers.
Return to:
3, Vasilievskaya Street
Moscow 123056 Russia
tel: +7-095 254 7056
fax: +7-0950 251 0220
Contact: Yevgeni I Zharikov, Ivan Mogovich
c/o The Baltimore Museum of Art
10 Art Museum Dr
Baltimore, MD 21218
tel: (410) 889-1993
fax: (410) 889-2567
Contact: Gabriel Wardell
Best Film award
Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame
405 14th Street, Suite 515
Oakland, California, CA 94612
tel: (510) 465-0804
fax: (510) 839-9858
Contact: Beverly Robinson
Best Film ($1,500)
Rua Frei Leandro, 35
Rio de Janeiro, 22470.210, Brazil
tel: +55-21-246 7791
fax: +55-21-286 1191
Contact: Centro Culture Rio Cine
Broadcasting/Cinema Department
100 Carmichael Bldg.
UNC - Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27412-5001
tel: (910) 334-5360
fax: (910) 334-5039
c/o Columbia College
600 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60605
tel: (312) 431-1330
fax: (312) 360-0629
Contact: Pepe Vargas
Promo 2000
36 rue Pierret
2200 Neuilly, Paris, France
tel: +33-1-46 40 55 00
fax: +33-1-46 40 55 39
Contact: Lionel Chouchan
BP 7144
30913, Nimes Cedex
tel: +33-66 84 47 40
fax: +33-72 02 20 36
Television Suisse Romande
Quai E Anserment 20
PO Box 234
CH-1211 Geneva 8, Switzerland
tel: +41-22-708 8599
fax: +41-22-781 5249
Contact: Pierre Grandjean, Gabrielle Bucher
Golden Rose
PO Box 307
D-95632 Wunsiedel Germany
tel: +49-923-2 4770
fax: +49-923-2 805 55
tel: +39-96-449 444
fax: +39-96-449 445
Contact: Hartyándi Jenš
Yildiz Kultur ve Sanat Merkezi
Besiktas 80746
Istanbul, Turkey
fax: +90-212 258 3212
Contact: Hulya Ucansu
Golden Tulip Award
tel: +33-23 20 38 61
fax: +33-23 20 28 99
195 Picadilly
London W1V 9LG
tel: +44-171-734 0022
fax: +44-171-734 1792
Contact: Harry Manley, Doreen Dean
5889 Kanan Road, Suite 317
Agoura, CA 91301
tel: (818) 991-2884
fax: (818) 991-3773
Contact: Terry Thoren
Gran Vía 62, 8th Floor
28013 Madrid, Spain
tel: +34-1-541 3721
fax: +34-1-542 5495
Contact: Rita Sonlleva
Reed Midem Organisation
179 avenue Victor Hugo
Paris, 75116, France
tel: +33-1-44 34 44 44
fax: +33-1-44 34 44 00
Contact: AndrŽ Vaillant
Troger Strasse 46
D-81675, Germany
tel: +49-89-470 32327
fax: +49-89-470 6611
Conatc: Gudrun Geyer
1771 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036-2891
tel: (202) 429-5350
fax: (202) 429-5406
Contact: Lynn McReynolds, Francesca Dea
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen
Christian-Steger-Straße 10
D-46042 Oberhausen, Germany
tel: +49-208-825 2652
fax: +49-208-852 591
Contact: Angela Haardt
425 Ontario Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
tel: (612) 627-4431
fax: (612) 627-4111
e-mail: Filmsoc@gold.tcumn.edn
Contact: Bob Strong
Audience Award
1521 Eddy Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
tel: (415) 929-5000
fax: +1-415-921 5032
Contact: Peter Scarlet
Golden Gate Awards ($500)
168 Kim Seng Road
Singapore 0923, Malaysia
tel: +65-738 7567
fax: +65-738 7578
Contact: Teo Swee Leng
Silver Screen Award for Best Asian Feature
Taos Talking Pictures
216M N. Pueblo Rd. #216
Taos, NM 87571
tel: (505) 751-0130
fax: (505) 751-7385
Contact: Ron Henderson, Festival Programmer
2917 Swiss Avenue
Dallas, 75204, Texas
tel: (214) 821-6300
fax: (214) 821-6364
Contact: Alonso Duralde
Via S Giacomo alla Pigna 6
Verona 37121, Italy
tel: +39-45-600 6778
fax: +39-45-59 06 24
Box 21396
Washington DC
tel:(202) 727-2396
Contact: Tony Gittens
PO Box 56566
Houston, TX 77246-6566
tel: (713) 965-9955
fax: (713) 965-9960
Contact: J Hunter Todd
SEE Other Months:
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