This is FilmLand, one of the most complete resources available for film makers and fans of independent films.
FilmLand contains many guides and directories that are tremendously helpful to film makers, as well as information and educational information on the latest technologies available for television and film production. And for those interested in learning more, you can enroll in the FilmLand University, a free course of study in all aspects of film making and the film industry.
There is as much information here as you might be able to obtain in a small library on film making and the film industry! You won't be disappointed!
This site is best viewed using Netscape 2.0. Other browsers will work, and some will even provide most of the functionality, but why go halfway? Use of Netscape at this site will, in most cases, cut your search times in half and keep important information on screen as you search other areas.
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Production Resources Production Guide
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